Hi, There you can download APK file "com.greendaizer.moroccan_stories" for Android free, apk file version is Moroccan Stories 9.0 to download to your android device just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us
The application of Moroccan stories Darjajp offers you stories of Moroccan reality, real stories and fictional and all to take lessons and learn from the mistakes of others.
Stories will make you live events like you see a dream, crying and laughing and rejoice and grieve for the events of the story.
The application contains a lot of stories with the possibility of access to the new stories daily (the story of the Northern Amiri, Moroccan story entitled "shock", the story of Moroccan Baldraga: Revenge of the Jin, a funny story:
The application will also include some useful Arabic novels and stories that we will choose for you with great care.
The application was followed by a Moroccan storybook in Darja.
Application features:
- Easy browsing and reading
- Ability to control the way the stories are displayed as well as the size of the line.
- Reach all new
- Reading without availability on the Internet after downloading the program
Moroccan stories in Darja
Stories in Moroccan Darga
Moroccan Stories
New Moroccan Stories
Romantic stories in Morocco
Horror stories of the Moroccan rogue
Funny stories in Morocco
The story of the shock in Moroccan dialect
The story of the deal in Moroccan dialect
9isas maghribia
kisas maghribiya
kisas marco
9isas bdarija
9isas darija maghribiya
The application of Moroccan stories in Darja without Internet contains many of the most extreme Moroccan and affected by you and updated daily and without the Internet